
REVOLUTIONARIES — American War of Independence RPG

Created by Make Believe Games

Revolutionaries is a tabletop RPG set during the American War of Independence, where history’s truths hide a secret war.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Headquarters — October, 2017
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:22:00 AM

Dearest patriots,

It is my sincerest wish that this letter finds you well. I write these words from the front to update you all on the war effort.

Our engineers are busy preparing Fires of Liberty, the Revolutionaries sampler, for your perusal. This PDF is loaded with bonus game content generated for you, our dear backers. It includes the Newport, RI setting and your first taste of the secrets behind the C____R Ring. This material supports but does not duplicate or pull from the material in the core set. It’s all-new!

As I write this, our valiant editors, under the command of Gen. Suleiman, have taken to the field, and I am pleased to report they are overcoming all opposition. Gen. Kelly and his art brigade are currently flanking the enemy with great skill. All in all, the battle proceeds well and we look forward to delivering the final manuscripts to our printer allies on schedule.

Along those lines, we see there are still a number of patriots who have yet to respond to our last communication. It is my fondest hope that everyone could please ensure that they complete their BackerKit survey so that we can push forward with minimal delays.

I remain

Your most obedient and humble servt.,
Gen. Tucker, Commander, Revolutionaries Army

BackerKit Surveys Sent
about 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 01:04:44 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

BackerKit and Pre-Orders
about 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 12:04:06 AM

Greetings, patriots. The MBG team has returned from GenCon and are now back to work. It was a wonderful con and we have some exciting new things in the pipeline. It was also great to meet those of you who stopped by the booth for a chat and to show your support!

We ran some demos of Revolutionaries during the convention, and pleased at the glowing feedback we received from those gamers who took up arms against tyranny with us.

As you all should have seen by now, we have launched the Revolutionaries BackerKit. You have until the 1st of October, 2017, to fill out your survey to get your rewards. Thanks to everyone who has already responded.

This also means that Revolutionaries is now available to pre-order for those who may have missed out on the Kickstarter campaign. So please do spread the word and rally more patriots to the cause, if you can.

You also have the choice to select some exceptional add-ons for your orders. These include our limited edition Narrator’s Screen, continental poster map, more dice, even more cards, and MBG’s I Am Zombie (in two fantastic flavors: original or Toxicity!).

Before I finish this update, I wanted to thank everyone for their emails about the Decipher the Code promotion we had. The entire MBG team is happy so many of you enjoyed this little game and we may decide to do another such promotion down the line. For those who have asked, the crypto-message decoded as follows:

the crypto-message
the crypto-message

Look for more Revolutionaries information and revelations over the weeks to come!

— Nathan for MBG

BackerKit is almost Ready!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 11:51:57 PM

A quick update for all our patriots and loyalists. The Revolutionaries BackerKit is just about ready to go. This means you will soon receive an email about completing our Kickstarter survey to get your rewards. 

Some more good news: MBG has decided to offer the Revolutionaries Narrator Screen as an add-on! Even though we did not reach the stretch goal during the campaign, many backers have reached out with requests for the screen. And as our Toxicity screen was such a fan favorite, it would be a shame not to have one for Revolutionaries!

Mock-up only
Mock-up only

Here’s the tally of add-ons available for your Revolutionaries packages:   

$30: Revolutionaries Boxed Set
$12: Revolutionaries Dice
$8.50: Revolutionaries Cards
$15: Revolutionaries Narrator Screen
$10: Revolutionaries Continental Map
$30: Toxicity Boxed Set
$30: I AM ZOMBIE Field Manual
$30 I AM ZOMBIE Play Kit  

Most of the MBG team is now on the road to GenCon. You can find us alongside Cubicle 7 Entertainment at booth #933 for all the latest MBG demos and news. We hope to see many of you there!

Finally, let me say we had an amazing number of entries for the Decipher the Code promotion. With no further ado, the winner of the competition was Lance Hawvermale. Congratulations! We will be in touch soon about your prizes. We had a lot of fun setting these codes up. Thank you to everyone who entered.

Look for another update from us (from GenCon!) when the BackerKit has gone live

— Nathan for MBG

The Flame of Liberty
about 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 12:42:46 AM

 “The flame of liberty.”

Greetings, patriots. After a hard campaign, the Revolutionaries team has taken a few days to catch our breaths.

We are now taking to the field again and will update you this week about the launch of our BackerKit page, our Rev miniatures and our Join the Revolution promotion. We will also announce the winner of the Decipher the Code promotion!

Over the last few days, a number of new recruits have reached out inquirin, “Is there any way to still pledge or pre-order Revolutionaries?”

For those who may have missed the campaign, rest assured that you will be able to pre-order Revolutionaries through BackerKit.

Don’t forget, you can find us at GenCon alongside Cubicle 7 Entertainment at booth #933 for all the latest MBG news. If you’re there, come by and say hi!

— Nathan for MBG